Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Selling (Update: SOLD!) my Drum Set

Update: SOLD! More later!

Well I finally got the nerve to put my Drum Set on Craigslist.

Don't worry, per my previous post I still have my trusty Slingerland set:

Feel free to pass on the link to anyone who might be interested in the Set! Thanks!


  1. Dan - I think I remember you from CMS in BFLO. Not sure how to get in touch with you. I registered for the songwriters bootcamp this year at CMS, but can't go. I can shift/sell my registration to someone and not take the 10% refund hit. I paid $171. Prices is now $199. Do you know anyone who may be interested in my spot? Request to follow me on twitter if you get this and know someone: 3somers1 (on twitter). Thanks! Mark

  2. nice blog!

    i found your blog through keyword "auto follow".

    im following you.. pls follow me back.
